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An illustration of a notebook, magnifying glass, and pens to fit the Notes On blog category

Notes On

🏴‍☠️ "Skimo" means racing. 🏴‍☠️

🏴‍☠️ "Skimo" means racing. 🏴‍☠️

Lessons From

Lessons From

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An illustration of a notebook, magnifying glass, and pens to fit the Notes On blog category

Notes On

The pure speed cheat sheet

The pure speed cheat sheet

The four key ingredients of pure speed

The four key ingredients of pure speed

Can a three-hour run reveal aerobic threshold?

Can a three-hour run reveal aerobic threshold?

What is your preferred method of testing anaerobic threshold?

What is your preferred method of testing anaerobic threshold?

Lactate Testing
An image of my declining Performance Management Chart and a graph of my most recent lacate test

Detraining: How far can you fall?

Lactate Testing
What can you learn from a post-race postmortem?

What can you learn from a post-race postmortem?

A photo of a porter crossing a bridge with a heavy load

When can you get away with not carrying extra food and water?

A photo of a bench by an oak tree

How long can aerobic capacity improve?

Aerobic Capacity
An image of a lone runner on a paved road in Patagonia

How does cooling down improve aerobic capacity?

An image of a solo runner on a rural road

What metabolic information can we get from a flat half-marathon?


Do we have an effort bias?

How I estimate goal times

How much of your training is bioavailable?

The Basics of Basic Training Principles

What is aerobic evolution?

Does more fatigue mean more fitness?

The best thing I learned from climbing

To perform or protect? Which is better?

Genetic potential? Excuses matter more.

"When can I stop easy training?"

What is the most important intensity?

A review of my 2018/2019 skimo training

A photo of a boy bouldering in Cougar Canyon, Alberta

Six drills to make ARC training more effective

Rock Climbing

How bored can you be?

VO2 Max: A 14-year retrospective

Is 5.11 the junk zone of rock climbing?